About Me
My name is Christian Dürr; I am a software developer and hobbyist Linux system administrator.
I spend most of my personal time working with the Rust programming language, maintaining applications like the Alacritty terminal emulator, the Catacomb Wayland compositor, and contributing to various others since I started learning it back in 2016.
This website itself has seen many iterations, since it has always been a playground to test out new technologies. There's been versions running on top of Apache, Nginx, Python's Flask and Rust's Rocket and Actix frameworks. At the moment, the site is just a simple static file host using Nginx, but chances are that'll change when I find another interesting thing to try out.
If you want to find out more about the projects I'm currently working on, make sure to check out my GitHub. For contacting me you can always reach me using email or find me on various IRC channels ("UndeadLeech" on libera/oftc). You can find my public PGP key and email address here .